I told the crew we are headed out early, 6:30 am to be exact. We are going to meet-up at the crooked tree next to where the large squirrel nest used to be. Jim will connect with us at camp. His trailer is here, hope he remembers the key for the lock!
This would be a perfect morning for easy no mess one pot omelets for breakfast.
The cold arctic NH January morning, majestic in its own reserves, still dark yet with a hint of the coming morning sun created a feeling of newness and anticipation. We were headed out for a day of riding…simple and sweet.
I could smell the coffee brewing on the stove before we left. Today is a day for us to cook breakfast on the trail. One pot cooking of course. Several of us were going to rendezvous on the trail, then head to a breakfast spot to enjoy the transformation of the sun’s rays into warmth and brightness.
Prior to the ride I prepared several delicious breakfast omelets to be cooked on the trail, as outlined below. Also included would be hot cocoa, coffee, and local balsam tea.

Easy No Mess One Pot Omelets for Breakfast Ingredients
- One-quart freezer Ziploc bags (one per person)
- Two large eggs per bag
- Cheese, pre-cooked bacon, pepperoni, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, etc.
- Medium or large pot
- Spoons to eat with
Prepare Ingredients
Before you leave home, combine the ingredients in the freezer bags (one per individual) and mix to break the yokes. Roll up the bags to squeeze out the air and then seal. Now search of the perfect breakfast location, in the sun, out of the wind and maybe with a view.
Boil the Water for Breakfast
Get out the stove and first heat up some water for coffee, hot cocoa, or balsam tea. Trail snow is sufficient just not yellow snow!
Once the hot beverages are served, start-off the morning conversations while you boil up another pot of water. Yum, balsam tea from local balsam fascicles/needles, boiled up in water with a bit of sugar. High in antioxidants and vitamin C and tastes naturally wonderful!

Once the next pot is boiling, add the Ziploc bags of culinary cuisine, being careful to keep the plastic bags completely inside the pot so they don’t melt from the stove heat/flames.
Cook Time for One Pot Boiled Omelets
Cook the one pot egg omelet for about 10-12 minutes. Pull them out of the water, open and enjoy a hot, homemade, delicious, no mess, one pot breakfast to go!
The group finished their omelets at 10:30 and continued to ride the rest of the day, with a warm, full belly. Like I always say, a good breakfast is important to a good day, regardless of what you do.
I plan on several trail-side extravaganza and rendezvous again this winter. We sure have some fun, and that’s what it is all about, isn’t it? I will post updates on the SledNH and Snowmobiling in NH Facebook pages. See you on the trail.
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