How Do I Get a Voucher?
- The membership portal is online self-service only. Stores do not sell vouchers.
- You need a personal email account. The voucher is sent to your email. Only you have access.
- Payment requires a credit or debit card.
- No password needed.
- It helps if you know which club you wish to join beforehand. Use the club locator page.
What is a voucher?
A voucher is official proof of your membership. With it, you can get a $30 discount on NH snowmobile registrations. Good for every snowmobile you own. Additional details at the bottom of page.
Can’t Find Your Voucher?
- Check Spam, AllMail, Trash. Search email for slednh or
- Go back to Join A Club. Enter your email, click Next. See if the purchase is displayed.
- No purchase displayed? Did you misspell email or use another email account?
- Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, sbcglobal and corporate accounts can block email. (see next line)
- Need a free email? Try Proton Mail or Gmail.
- To ensure email delivery add to your contacts and safe sender list.
- Go to Join A Club. Enter your email, click NEXT. See if it displays the purchase date.
- Use the displayed club name and date to search your email.
- Search email for slednh or
- No clubs displayed? Did you use another email account?
- Look for a PDF attachment at the bottom of the email.
- If PDF is not visible in body of email, look for download link or view attachment option.
- Forward the email to yourself and look for attachment.
- Refresh or quit mail and reopen.
- Check downloads folder.
- View email account from another device or log into webmail.
Need further assistance: Contact the NHSA office.
Voucher Tips & FAQ
- Don’t wait until the last minute to join a club!
- Email needed to access voucher. Remember, internet is limited in rural areas.
- Take a screenshot of your voucher and save it in photos.
- Flag the email as important and save in special folder.
- Print a few copies of voucher, store one on your sled.
- Need a free email? Try Proton Mail or Gmail.
- Do not reuse a friend’s email. Emails are associated with the original user’s name and address.
- Voucher Retrieval: Enter email in portal and it will display the clubs you joined and the date, making it easy to search your email for voucher
Do I need email to get a voucher?
Yes. To receive a membership voucher you must have a personal email account that you can access. The voucher is sent directly to your email, no one else can access it.
Will stores or clubs retrieve my voucher or number?
No, they cannot access it, only you can via email.
What payment types are accepted?
Online payment requires a credit or debit card. Gift cards do not work.
How much does it cost to join a club?
Prices differ, from club to club. Some offer additional perks to members. The types of membership are individual or family. Prices are displayed as you choose a club from the dropdown. You can also donate to your favorite club. The ability to join a second club, essentially a donation, is also available. The total amount due is displayed in the payment section. No discounts are offered.
Is there a list of all the clubs?
Yes. Visible in list view or as a locator on a map, basic info for every club can be found here.
Why is a family voucher limited to two people?
It is not legal to share a voucher with extended family or friends.
Adults (children 18+) who own and register a snowmobile must purchase a club membership to receive a voucher with their name. Children under 18 cannot register a snowmobile in NH, so names are not included.