It truly amazes me what a great group of people that surrounds the snowmobile community! Many of us are getting back into the swing of things after a fun filled NHSA Easter Seals Ride-In to benefit Camp Sno-Mo. Through the many donations from snowmobile clubs, the NHSA Ride-In Committee, numerous sponsors, friends, and family, $105,036.58 was raised this year for Easter Seal Camp Sno-Mo. Every year the event, the fundraising efforts, and the remarkable difference that all of you make for Camp Sno-Mo expands beyond belief!

Congrats to Weare Winter Wanderers on raising the most amount of money in the state! Your efforts with your new Poker Run fundraiser in the summer has taken your contribution to Camp Sno-Mo to a new level! Sutton Ridge Runners congrats on your close second place in the state! Both of your outstanding efforts deserves a round of applause and a HUGE thank you for all the dedication to Camp Sno-Mo. Merrimack County – congrats on your first place finish in the state! The hard working efforts of all the clubs in Merrimack County enabled the County as a whole to raise the most money in the state. Hats off to Hillsborough County for a close second place! Congrats to Grafton County – your county basket donation sold for the highest dollar amount among the county baskets in the live auction.
Every year the total amount of money that is raised by each and every one of the clubs brings proud tears to all of our eyes at closing ceremonies. It is through fundraising efforts by all that allow this amazing little camp to continue to provide camping opportunities to children with special needs. This little camp provides the opportunity for children with disabilities to escape their everyday handicapped routine. Campers are able to explore, experiment, and experience a world that many of us take for granted – hiking trails, fishing in a pond, swimming in a lake, and beyond. Through these camping adventures, campers are provided many opportunities to leave their wheelchairs behind and jump in to the activities that they have set before them, enabling them to accomplish developmental stepping stones that last a lifetime. It is this place, Camp Sno-Mo, that has touched all of our lives in different ways, a miraculous place that a camper years ago, defined as “a place where disabilities disappear and abilities emerge.” A magical place that all of you continue to refuel as selflessly as those founders 46 years ago.
From the bottom of my heart…thank you to each and every one of you that contribute with these fundraising efforts year after year! Congrats to Nelly Roache, NHSA Ride-In Chair, and the entire committee for a successful 46th celebration and to all the counties, the clubs, and all who participate in raising this amazing sum of money in the 46 year history of supporting this wonderful camp. Congratulations to all of you! Visit the NHSA website ( for complete details of the clubs and county results, Union Leader Award winners, and a slide show that fully captures the beauty and camaraderie of all the participants at this event.

Moving on in the Association’s calendar, preparations for the annual meeting are underway. Annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, May 19, 2018, at the Margate Resort on Lake Winnipesaukee. Emails, Facebook notices, and website updates will continue to be available to all the clubs regarding the annual meeting so please be sure to read the details and deadlines.
An important one in particular is to have all memberships into the portal database no later than March 1st for the tally of delegates for your club’s votes at the meeting. Start thinking about the special people, groomer operators, clubs, and families that you feel deserve recognition and be sure to submit your nominations for year-end awards. The deadline for nominations for these awards is April 1st.

Also in the calendar is the upcoming deadline of March 1st for the NHSA Book Scholarship so be sure to check out the website for the information for this great opportunity for incoming and existing college students.
With the groundhog’s prediction of six more weeks of winter, I am glad that Mother Nature has realized that snow is needed to accent the New Hampshire winter season. Our trail system is finally covered with the much needed snow and many are out riding and enjoying what NH and the sport of snowmobiling has to offer. With this activity on the trails, it is imperative that we all do our part to promote safe snowmobiling. I urge all of us to take part in keeping our sport safe – do not travel alone, do not leave anyone behind in your group, travel smart, ride on the designated trails, adhere to all warnings regarding water bodies – many are open bodies of water so heed the signs posted – stay off, do not travel under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and above all keep your speed down. Cheers, Beth
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