Listening to the local weather report my ears perked up like a bull swamp donkey hearing the sound of an adjacent bull. Bazinga!
“The National Weather Service forecast out of Grey Maine…tonight, lows in the teens, snow beginning around midnight, snow becoming heavy with accumulations of 6 to 10 inches by morning.”

“Tomorrow, snow continuing with additional accumulations of 4 to 8 inches. Future forecast, 1 to 3 inches of additional snow daily as a low-pressure system stalls in New England.” Snowmobilers, get your sleds ready to rock!
The Breakfast Canoe is a Fantastic Quick Meal
I have always encouraged everyone to have a fantastic breakfast before hitting the trails and enjoy great home cooked meals on or off the trail. So here is another tasty and fun idea: The breakfast canoe recipe.
Take a hot dog and slice it down the middle leaving 3/4” on each end. It should look like a canoe with no bottom. Now fry it with the canoe cavity facing up and separated.

Cook both sides then crack and drop an egg into the cavity, the hot pan will create the bottom of the canoe.
Turn down the heat and continue to cook the breakfast canoe with a lid on the pan. Flip the breakfast canoe to cook it through.
Breakfast Canoe Quick Toppings
You can add cheese to “deck” the canoe or leave cheese pieces on each end for the seats. Garnish with bacon bits, onions, hot sauce, etc. As a side note, a red hotdog will generate a red canoe.
Now fry up some defrosted french fries in light oil or butter. Yes, fry, not bake! Set the canoe on a river of crispy fries and a tad of ketchup, add fresh apple slices.
Wow! Yummy! You could also cook the breakfast canoes in the oven for large crowds.

We had some great group trailside cookouts last year. Stay tuned on Facebook’s Snowmobiling in NH for details. I’m sure we’ll serve up canoes once or twice. We had a fun season-ender with the Lyme Pinnacle Snowmobile Club with three groomers present and Chez Kenny cooking up a storm in a storm. Thanks again, hope you had a good read and see you on the trails.
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